Texas Country Eye Care

About Us


Dr. Blake Golson

is a licensed therapeutic optometrist and licensed optometric glaucoma specialist. During his schooling, he interned with Cherokee Nation, focusing on diabetic eye care. He also interned in a glaucoma specialty, indigent care, and dry eye specialty clinics while in Houston.


Dr. Heather Kern Golson

graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a Bachelor of Arts in Biology and Magna Cum Laude from the University of Houston College of Optometry. She is a licensed optometric glaucoma specialist and her areas of professional interest include cataract and LASIK management, pediatric optometry, and glaucoma management.



Meet Our Staff

Heather Frizell - CPO/Technician Supervisor/Scribe - 2012
Brenda Ingram - Optician - 2017
Sherry Jones - Office Manager - 2023
Mary Ann Salinas, ABOC - Optician Supervisor - 2023
Betsy Fuentez - Receptionist - 2023
Bianca Triana - Technician Assistant - 2024
Ilda Garcia - Optician - 2024 


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